The Auto Tour is an excellent way to visit the Refuge and acquire a better understanding of the area and purpose. The self-guided tour visits twelve unique locations which can be viewed at your chosen pace. For each location a brief description has been included.
Tap at the bottom of each page to access the next location. Take your time and enjoy the sites!
Stop One
Water is the basic ingredient that brings wildlife to Muscatatuck. Water from Richart Lake flows by gravity under the road and is used to seasonally flood wetland units down-stream. Diving ducks, osprey and cormorants may be seen on Richart during migration times. During the summer months, the shallow backwaters of the lakes are favorite areas for wood duck broods.
Stop Two
The area on your right, known as Grader Marsh, is a seasonal wetland that dries up in the summer. Many species of reptiles and amphibians, including the copperbelly watersnake, a State of Indiana threatened species, make their homes in the wetlands of Muscatatuck.