Muscatatuck Wildlife Society
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Musacatuck Wildlife Society Events

Nature Time Program for Preschoolers - Second Wednesday of the month from 9:30 to 11AM at the Visitor Center. No registration is required and the programs include games, songs and stories about different nature and natural history subjects each month. Learning and fun for preschoolers.

Bird Walk - Come out the third Saturday of the month (weather permitting) starting from the Visitor Center at 8 AM for a short bird walk. Birders of all ages and abilities are welcome.

Wings Over Muscatatuck - Wings Over Muscatatuck is the second Saturday in May (May 10 this year) and features live birds of prey programs, a native plant sale, guided nature hikes, childrens activities, a native plant sale, and much more.

Log Cabin Day - Log Cabin Day is a Saturday in mid-October and honors National Wildlife Refuge week and the previous landowners of the refuge.

Nature Time Program for Preschoolers

Bird Walk

Log Cabin Day

Wings Over Muscatatuck