Help Us Make Muscatatuck a Better Place…
Join the Muscatatuck Wildlife Society
Our membership is made up of people who care about wildlife and want to help in our effort to make the refuge a better place.
How MWS Helps
The Society runs one of the finest nature bookstores in Indiana at the Refuge Visitor Center. All profits stays with MWS and are used to support the refuge.
Projects have been an addition to the Visitor Center featuring a bird room and backyard wildlife habitat, restoration of an old log cabin and barn on the refuge, additions to fishing piers, marsh building, copperbellied watersnake research, and an overlook structure at South Endicott Marsh.
Special events such as Take A Kid Fishing Day, Log Cabin Day, and the Muscatatuck Bird Festival are also done by the Muscatatuck Wildlife Society.
An opportunity to help support one of Indiana’s finest areas for wildlife.
Membership Benefits
A 10% discount of purchases at our Visitor Center Bookstore
“Duck Tails”, the refuge newsletter
An invitation to attend the annual meeting and special events